Sunday, May 23, 2010


we had a "pleasant" time at lake pleasant (sorry i had to) We were in need of a little get away so we went to lake pleasant for the day which was surprisingly close, is was during the week so there was hardly anyone there and we got a nice little cove area all to ourselves (there are upsides to crazy work schedules )the weather was nice not to hot and the kids had a blast playing in the water and on the shore, i had a good time too sitting in the shade getting burned yep that's right sitting in the shade getting burned hmm.
the kids and raul made a fishing pole out off a branch and some line and a hook they found, though it kept them busy messing with it they did not catch anything they thought it was still fun!

snack time!!

First getting in the water was still pretty cold

the momma & daddy duck that stayed around catching every bit of dropped food
them ducks were brave


  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun!!! Can't wait to see you guys for the party!! Love you all,


    love the posts,keep them up!!!!!
